Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Nature is free

Sitting on my planter's chair in the extended verandah, I marvel at the movie that is being played in front of me and to the two sides. It is a different show everyday and the show has no beginning or end. The planter's chair has folding arms so I can stretch my legs on it to be more comfortable, too comfortable for comfort!!

I dont know where to start. Is it the incredibly elusive otter trying to steal the fish caught in the net, or the water monitor, one as big as a crocodile searching for anything to eat on the banks while swimming in the river. How about the land monitor climbing the tree when the two resident puppies chase him. The mongoose who dives into the thicket when spotted or the squirrel darting along the wood beams on the ceiling into the paddy stores behind to eat the rice grain and leave the husk on the ground.

The most beautiful sights are those of the birds flying nonchalantly across from twig to twig playing with their mates. The species too numerous to mention. One day, the mango tree to my left, which towers over the coconut tree, and the tree which gave me1000 fruit this year, was host to all of the following. A flock of parrot, a pair of orioles which are bright yellow, the seven sisters, the black mynah with the yellow streak on the face. Then there were the birds of paradise, the male with the long white tail and the three varieties of kingfisher. The black drongo and black robin along with the more common robin, (polkichcha) flying around.

The little egret and the intermediate egret on the branches waiting for an opening to eat the worms in a newly ploughed field. The sound of the peacocks on top of a large tree. Did you know that they fly to the top of the trees to safety so they can have a commanding view of the area. A peacock in flight with its 6ft long tail is a sight to see and marvel at. The fish owl perched at the top of the dead tree waiting for a mouse to scurry along so it could swoop and pick it up or the brahmini kite enjoying the thermal air currents. At night the bats come out to eat the mangos and make a big noise. The changeable hawk eagle looking majestic on its perch on a coconut tree.

The sound of the pair of woodpeckers pecking in unison with the bark of the tree trunk to search for the spot to carve a hollow; pair of the incredibly beautiful snowy rock squirrles with beautiful white tails jumping from tree to tree chasing each other and onto the roof. The bright green of the barbet also making a foray to eat a ripe mango.

All this to see, so how can one do anything else but marvel at ones good fortune; to see all this just sitting in one place. The river reservation is thick with trees giving protection to these creatures and also prevents the river banks from eroding. This is all part of the ecosystem, more a micro climate in this otherwise heavily farmed area. Thanks to the river there is a large swathe of land that is still unspoilt and forested enabling these species to survive.

Who said you need money to enjoy all this. All this is free. However as a farmer having all these creatures and birds around that can harm ones crops I have to be careful what I say as already the monkeys, the rilawa and the wandura have done considerable damage to my papaya crop.