Monday, September 3, 2007

My monthly accounts

Some of you are interested to know how I survive in this exercise considering I have no resources other than this enterprise to make ends meet.

Well this is the factual state of the August 2007 accounts: In SL rupees (113Rs to US$1)

Income Sale of King Coconuts 57,000
Coconuts 35,000
Rice 30,000
Bananas 25,000
Milk 10,000
Other(inc farm shop) 83,000


Expenses Purchases for shop 72,000
King coconuts bought in 10,700
Tree climber fees King&coco 7,000
Wages and EPF ETF 10 staff 80,000
Staff meals in Polonnaruwa 12,000
Lease payment Tata Cab 16,700
Diesel for month 16,900
Maintenance of Vehicle 8,000
Electricity Bills 8,400
Mobile Phone bill staff 2,000
Mobile phone Purchase 5,000
Kaudulla Jeep Hire family trip4,000
Photos printed 2,000
Kerosene for water pump 2,300
Purchases to finish Ratmale 6,000
Purchases for Hingurakgoda 7,500
Purchases for Godagama Farm 5,000
Threshing Fee for paddy 4,000
Paddy cutting labor Polonnar 9,000
Speeding ticket(66kph 60zone) 550
Personal toiletries 500
Magazine 250
Cab hire to Pettah HSZ permit 200

Total Expenditure paid out for August 280,000

Loss for the month before amortizations 40,000

Note I really survived on nothing for food etc. and did not pay my mobile phone bill. When I am in Godagama I eat what the land provides and drink cows milk and king coconuts to make up any nutritional deficiency. In Polonnaruwa I share a morsel of the food that is prepared by the boys there along with Amila who goes with me on my weekly trip to Hingurakgoda and Ratmale in the Polonnaruwa district. Thats what is called a miracle!!!! This is my expenses and my whole enterprise income and expenditure. This account is all cash in and cash out.Its that simple.