I was just informed today that some bags of fertilizer, (Urea) have been stolen from a locked garage on the adjoining property, same one in which the coconut thief was caught. So these are the problems of modern day small scale agriculture in Sri Lanka. No wonder then that those willing to invest in agriculture today, think seriously about securing the property from all comers, and completely fencing with expensive high fencing making it difficult to enter a property. The village properties with reservations etc. are difficult to so secure, but having the cost of a permanent watcher is also out of the question, as often the watchers are in cahoots with the thief!
So I have got myself a dog whose progeny I hope to introduce to the Polonnaruwa property to keep the unwanted visitors, both human and animal at bay. The only light I have had in the tough year I faced has been the somewhat limited time I have been able to spend with Bahu and Megha the puppies I recently acquired. The former is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and the latter a Dalmatian, both male, who I hope in time to be able to get them partners.
I am new to dog owning and it is a learning curve in knowing what to do and how to bring them up. It is time that I find some assistance in training as it is important that these dogs are properly trained to maximize on their true potential and benefit. So if anyone has any tips on how to properly train them, please let me know.
I have opened a website blog just for the dogs as they lend themselves to a picture filled blog showing them grow in size and dexterity. It is a dog's point of view on life and is www.sinhabahuridgeback.blogspot.com and I show a few of the photos that fill the blog above and below.
The veterinary care is important for pure breeds as they are more susceptible to catching diseases, and am fortunate to avail myself of the services of the vet who visits the farm to inseminate the cows, for the care of the dogs too.