These oranges rarely turn orange on ripening and we can tell when they are mature when they become soft on the tree. I have newly planted about 30 Bibile Orange trees where the fruit is sweeter, and fetch a lot more in the market, but which I maintain does not have as much juice and makes fewer drinks per fruit.
There are a few more weeks to go before these oranges are ready to be plucked and available for sale. I scoured the destrict last week in search of these oranges, as it is time they were mature, but none of the oranges in all my known haunts were mature, and I suspect this season all the oranges will ripen at the same time leaving a huge glut but alas all too short of a season. So you my customers please preorder in 100s and squeeze and leave them in your freezer, so you can dilute and drink as and when necessary over time as long as 6 months.
The Orchard of 10 orange trees of the traditional variety, where fruiting is very erratic and the squeezed orange is the unquestionably the best for a vodka orange.