Thursday, March 20, 2008

Current price list

The latest product and price list of deliveries to customers in Colombo use the rough exchange rate as follows to covert if necessary.
US$ 1–Rs 100 UKSterling–Rs 200 and Japyen1–Rs 1 All prices in SL Rs
Coconuts Rs 40 ea
King Coconuts Rs 18 ea
Polonnaruwa Oranges Rs 10 ea
Lime Rs 20 500g
Papaya Rs 60 kg
Anamalu Plantains Rs 10 ea
Kolikuttu Plantains Rs 10 ea
Ambun Plantains Rs 10 ea
Seeni Kehel Rs 60 kg
Ambul Kehel Rs 60 kg

Fresh Milk Unpasteurized Rs 50 bot
King Coconut Oil Rs 200 half bot
King Coconut Oil Rs 400 bot
Forest Bees Honey Rs 350 half bot
Forest Bees Honey Rs 650 bot

Garlic Rs 40 200g
Red Onions Rs 45 500g
Bombay Onions Rs 70 kg

Fresh leaves plucked in the morn
Gotukola Rs 30 bunch
Gus Nivithi Rs 30 bunch
Thampala Rs 30 bunch
Mukunuwenna Rs 30 bunch
Kathurumurunga Rs 25 bunch
Rampe Karapincha Rs 20 bunch
Kathurumurunga Flowers Rs 30 pack

Ginger Rs 20 100g
Green Chillies Rs 60 200g
Capsicums Rs 40 250g
Lunu Kola Rs 40 500g

Tomato Rs 50 500g
Bandakka Rs 40 500g
Aubergine Rs 40 500g
Karavila Rs 40 500g
Ma Karal Rs 40 500g
Thibbatu Rs 40 250g

Kehel Muwa Rs 30 ea
Corn on the cob Rs 15 ea
Cucumber Rs 25 ea
Kekiri Rs 20 ea
Pumpkin Rs 30 qtr

At present I do not have any rice to bring to customers, but as soon as the harvest is complete in the next two weeks I will be able to bring between 8 and 10 varieties of rice for sale, all freshly milled and in fact newly harvested.

All the onions varieties including garlic are bought in for the shop and so offered to delivery customers as well.

The bees honey is a fresh source from harvesting bee hives in the forest and not in bee keeping boxes. Harvesting though illegal is not a threat to the environment as the bees constantly find new places to build their hives and bees are not killed or harmed in harvesting.

One liter tetra packs of long life milk is sold in stores at Rs 125 a bottle and so selling fresh milk unadulterated and straight after milking at Rs 50 is a bargain, especially when comparing the price of 400g of powdered milk at Rs 300.

The corn is arguably the only corn grown in the western province and plucked just before packing.