Saturday, February 5, 2011

from my hospital bed - to all those who were worried

I will go into detail in a more opportune moment. My sister just brought me a notepad and i am struggling to use it in this awkward position and will try to be brief before i get too agitated.

Today is Saturday 7.30pm. I am in a paying room in class 1 ward in the National Hospital Colombo. I was shifted here at noon from Ward 76 the main Orthopaedic ward a very short distance away. The surgery took over three hours on Wednesday morning. The team was under the eminant surgeon Mr Banagala FRCS. It performed with a injection to the spine where only below the waist was numbed so I was completely conscious throughout but did not see the op as there was a screen but Icould here the team discussing the op. I will relate the surgery chatter when I am more comfortable. My femur was broken in two and it was quite tough to fix it with plates and screws etc. As the bone was hard I think one of the tools broke. That may thanks to years of drinking fresh milk!

Anyway the team was happy with their effort and I can only hope that after considerable physio I recover fully. I am so grateful to and proud of the health service in Sri Lanka and this hospital especially and all the doctors and nurses and physios as well as the attendents who have looked after me so well during this very trying time.

I expect to be released on Monday, to begin an intensive course of physio to get movement in my limb as that is a very important and urgent part of the recovery.

I thank the well wishes for wishing me a speedy recovery and promise my readers that I will eventually get back to my routine once I am able to drive and that may be six months. I have still to contemplate how I am going to get through this period especially after the repeat floods yesterday and day before for the second time in a month while I have been lying in bed. I have not been able to assess the damage at this stage.

So long for now