Thursday, February 10, 2011

A stay at the Colombo National Hospital following a serious traffic accident ser

The St John's Ambulance that had been sent to pick me from the Polonnaruwa hospital, deposited me at the entrance to the accident service at the General Hospital at around 6am on Monday, January 31st. All the transfer papers( a necessary requirement as the first point of admittance was another hospital) and the X rays were handed over and preliminary checks were performed.

It was a quiet morning there and I was immediately sent to X ray of the Chest and Head in case some other injury the body had been overlooked

I was then taken to the accident service ward for casualties, ward 72. There were patients on the corridors and the ward was packed. I was given some pain killers and left to be seen by an orthopedic specialist at the normal times for the rounds being about 8am.

During the course of the morning a zillion doctors saw me, as they are all curious to know the new cases. Dr Banagala accompanied by a gaggle of Senior House Officers came and it took him a few milliseconds after looking at the X ray to refer me to surgery.

So now is the wait to be slotted into surgery. His theater days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays