Saturday, March 12, 2011

the loss of one's independence

The most striking aspect of that split second when the accident took place and I broke my leg, was the loss of independence I had been used, disappearing in a flash.

Since that moment, I have had to be dependent for almost everything. Without the services and help from others, in the instant of the accident, from complete strangers who came to help, I have had to depend on the goodwill of others.

In a way it is good lesson to learn as hitherto up until that point I had been pretty much in control of what I wanted to do from moment to moment and was answerable to only myself for all my actions. I chose what I ate, when I ate and also how I made simple things like the cup of tea or glass of fresh orange juice. I did all my own laundry and instructed how all my food and beverage was made.

I am now at the mercy of others, and as the room I am in does not have a TV or a bell to call for help, sometimes I have to wait for someone to come in before I can ask for help for simple things. Worse as I am not staying at my place, I am dependent on others for bringing my clothes from my place to wear and also what I put on before going to the office, and have had to put up with crushed clothes and a few more embarrassments to boot in order to get there.

I was one who was used to choosing the amount of food on my plate so I only selected what I could eat, as from the beginning we were instructed to never waste any food which we helped ourselves to. Now I have food served on a plate, and in order not to leave even a grain of salt on the plate, I have had occasion to eat out of habit and not out of need.

I cannot pop out to the store and get myself a sweet fix if i want or fulfill a craving!! These are times for reflection and hope that it will not be too long before I can take some control of my daily activities.

The worst thing at present is my inability to sleep continuously as I had been used to due to the very uncomfortable position I have to get into due to the right leg still being painful and not yet operational without pain. I take a few pain killers prior to bedtime, and it has helped a little.

Most of all I want to get back to my place, my things my surroundings, dogs and fresh milk in the morning!! Tea tastes so much better with fresh milk and spring water! I will not be able to drive a vehicle for another 5 months so until such time I will have to compromise and put up with some discomfort.

I have to make a trip to the Minneriya Police station to make a statement as the statement made at the hospital had not got to them. This is essential both for my insurance payment, as well as the police prosecution of the driver of the vehicle that crashed into me. Until that latter case in the Polonnaruwa courts is completed and Judgement ruled in my favor, I cannot take a private prosecution against the state or ministry to claim some kind of compensation for the pain and suffering as well as economic cost of the incident.

Till then I am batting on hoping the pain in the leg reduces, the problem being that once the numbness after the operation wore off, some pain arising from the surgery raised its ugly head. I see the doc in a few weeks for the follow up and hope by that time it disappears.