Monday, March 7, 2011

return to remunerative employment

Anyone who has followed my blog over a period of time would be clear on one thing. I am running a subsistence agriculture based enterprise purely on my ability to put in the time and effort. Therefore it does not take a brain box to realize the devastating effects my accident would have had on my enterprise.

I have been able to survive purely due to the help I have received from family, as well as the cheque I received from my Colombo employment for the same amount as if I had worked there on the usual days of the week that I am there for the month of February.

It was imperative therefore that in order for me to meet my expenses, I manage to go to the office as early as possible, in order to meet my commitments. I have to depend on a lift to the office in a vehicle as well as the services of an attendant though I can call on the services of a taxi when a vehicle is not available. I am able to fortunately go all the way up to the 32nd floor of the WTC East Tower on the service elevator from the loading dock without having to go to the main entrance as it is on different levels and I cannot use escalators etc.

While it is very tiring to stay in one place, at least being at a desk and being able to work is a huge advantage. I am not able to put my foot down for 3months or drive for six, so I am not able to operate my previous enterprise and therefore take a loss on that, but at least being able to get some partial relief will definitely help at this moment.

I am pleased to report that though I have trouble sleeping due to the inability to turn without pain and awkwardness, the wounds have healed and the operating scar that was over a foot long is barely noticeable now barely 5 weeks on to the operation is an indication of the skill of the surgeon and the person stitching the operating cut.

I know many of my friends all over the world are following my progress through my blogs, and so I know that they will give me license to inform you all this way rather than write individual mails, as it is still a little tiring to sit at the desk and write. So thank you all for the numerous emails, prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. Thank you